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Simple Steps to the New You

Metabolic Weight Management

At Beverly Hills Weight Management Centres, we know that the safest and most effective way for you to control your weight is through a program designed specifically for you. You need a program that is professionally tailored to your body type and personality. We offer a weight management plan that fits your lifestyle, and provides the guidance to walk you through the process. You will receive the support and encouragement you need while you are losing and maintaining your weight. Our trained counselors are committed to your success and will guide you with understanding and motivation.

The caring and personal support provided by our counselors is a key element to your success. A common question asked by our clientele is whether our program is easy to follow. Unlike many "diet programs" there is no need for calorie counting, measuring or complicated meal planning. Beverly HillsTM success is based on its simplicity and long term results.


The Beverly Hills Weight Management program is a proven four part plan that is guaranteed to bring results.

  1. Pre-diet Analysis. First we establish your physical measurements and review your medical history. From this information, we develop a weight control program that is right for you, and begin to chart your progress.
  2. Weight Control Period. Through a well-balanced nutritional plan, based on grocery store bought foods, combined with one-on-one counseling, you will successfully achieve your goal. Our behavioral guidance will help you develop and maintain a positive lifestyle change to control your weight effectively and naturally.
  3. Six-Week Stabilization. We gradually increase your caloric level to enable you to maintain your desired weight. With our on-going support, healthy eating will continue being part of your life.
  4. One-Year Weight Management. If at any time during the following year you gain back 3 to 5 pounds, you are encouraged to return to the program free of charge until you reach your desired weight once more. During your one year maintenance you are invited to visit the clinic as often as you need. This is our personal guarantee of your success.

For a FREE Consultation call: 905-331-4383

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